The Inequality Pandemic
The waiter who lost their job looks enviously at the billionaires of the world, who have seen their net worth rise by $1.1 trillion.
The waiter who lost their job looks enviously at the billionaires of the world, who have seen their net worth rise by $1.1 trillion.
Following the election of President Nicolas Maduro, the inflation rate in Venezuela skyrocketed from 800% in 2016 to 2,000,000% in 2018.
Over time, food labels have been mixed with promotion to blur the lines between accurate nutritional information and marketing of a product.
Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild, founded in 2004, has been at the heart of all our social lives over the past decade.
Inequality refers to the disparity in income and wealth between people in society.
Challenger banks tend to offer modern technology to facilitate financial services, unlike normal banks that stick to traditional methods.
Labeled by Forbes as “the most powerful woman in media and entertainment,” Anna Wintour is an infamous name in the fashion industry.
The government can decrease inequality between different levels of educated people by increasing spending on healthcare education.
Economic indicators are typically statistics that act as a source of evidence to indicate the well-being of a nation’s future economy.
Making decisions in our daily lives can be difficult, whether the decisions impact our relationships or our business.
In Hollywood, we often see sporadic millionaires with suspenders shouting through phones, but is that what actual investment banking is?
As we look across history at the finest entrepreneurs of all time, what characteristics do they share? How do they differ?
Exports and imports are crucial for the development and growth of the economy. Without it, economies around the world would diminish!
Income inequality is the unequal distribution of household or individual income across the various participants in an economy.
Enterprise is the creation of a business, regardless of the market or size, where products are made, and products are sold.
Though heuristics cause biases in decisions made by individuals, groupthink is typically what causes groups to error.
With numerous restrictions and lockdowns being set as a consequence of Covid, there have been significant social and environmental impacts.
Elon Musk. Memes. Diamond Hands. When you combine all three what do you get? Bitcoin! But can it be a reliable currency?
One of the most well-renowned crashes of all time, the downfall of the New York Stock Exchange marks the largest in US history.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can contribute towards one happy, stable, and most importantly, an efficient business.